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Holyrood School Council 
Our Holyrood School Council meets monthly to discuss and support activities that will enhance student learning and foster the well-being and effectiveness of our school community. Our School Council is open to all parents and guardians who have children attending Holyrood School.

Please join us in supporting our students. Everyone is welcome.

By sharing your name, email and volunteer interests with us you'll be kept in the loop on the latest volunteer information and updates. We'll reach out when opportunities arise and you can email contact@holyrood-parents.ca or reply to a message at any time to leave the list.

Mission Statement/Philosophy: The Holyrood School Council will undertake discussions and activities that will enhance student learning and foster the well-being and effectiveness of our school community.

To find out more about the work of the Holyrood School Council, and volunteer opportunities, please email contact@holyrood-parents.ca.

Holyrood Parent Association                                                                                         

The Holyrood French Immersion Parent Association (known as the Holyrood Parent Association) aims to assist in and promote the best possible learning at Holyrood School, raise funds and work cooperatively with the Holyrood School Council to achieve these goals.

These two meetings run consecutively, typically on the second Tuesday of every month and take place in the Holyrood School staff room at 6:00 pm or online. Child care is available when we meet in person. Holyrood parents may check SchoolZone for links to the meeting invite.

Canadian Parents for French: For information on Canadian Parents for French, please see http://ab.cpf.ca/